Bedford Stuyvesant to Glastonbury

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you would know that Mr. Shawn Carter was the headliner for the massive English music festival Glastonbury this past weekend. Paul Underwood over at put together a great slideshow of fashionable festival goers rocking the wellie look – which is one of the few times I would authorize a man to wear Wellington boots. Mr. Underwood also offers some insight into the mini-feud between Jay-Z and Noel Gallagher. Seems Mr. Gallagher was upset that a rapper was headlining Glasto and equally miffed at his band Oasis being rendered completely irrelevant in the process.

The complete Jay-Z Glastonbury performance | [YouTube]

Photos via / Alistair Guy and John-Gabriel Harrison

Comments on “Bedford Stuyvesant to Glastonbury

    Peter on July 1, 2008 2:57 PM:

    The wellies look great on every outfit! The colors in the first outfit are amazing.

    Michael Daddino on July 1, 2008 7:42 PM:

    Ha! Oasis was rendered irrelevant long, long before Glasto!

    But seriously, though, it’s amusing how delightfully right the wellies seem in each photo, esp. pics #1 and #5. The boots never look merely pragmatic.

    Michael Williams on July 1, 2008 7:45 PM:

    Okay, okay, you are right. I should have said:

    …being FURTHER rendered completely irrelevant in the process.

    The wellies do look good out there. I would say shockingly so.


    Sir Jack Furious on July 1, 2008 11:04 PM:

    Noel Gallagher should start looking into a career involving smashing large fruit like the other Gallagher.

    Also if he doesnt like Jay Z headlining the concert maybe he should look into other festivals like Z-100s Jingle ball. At that concert I’m sure they would allow Oasis to co-headline with Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers.

    Amory on July 3, 2008 12:24 AM:

    The first outfit looks like something Jimmy Cliff might have worn on a more subdued day once he was getting money in The Harder They Come. Not sure how the boots fit into that, though they look awesome.

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