Flickr Find | Ephemera

Flickr Find is a weekly column of interesting things found on the amazing and inspiring photo sharing website Flickr.

I stumbled across this photo set of Ephemera from the guys at We Made This. Lots of good old type and texture. The full set of images can be seen here.

Comments on “Flickr Find | Ephemera

    Courtney on April 22, 2008 11:30 AM:

    I love that last image! Would be a great invite for a birthday party with the age in the middle of the circle. Lovely Flickr finds.

    Marty Weil on April 22, 2008 5:03 PM:

    The ephemera featured on Flickr are some of the finest examples on the Internet, and the site is responsible for sparking a worldwide interest in collecting old printed material and spawning the creative use of it in a number of fields including art. Thanks for featuring these very interesting examples. I just joined the “ephemera” group on Flickr and I plan to add some equally interesting items from my personal collection.

    A Continuous Lean on April 22, 2008 5:06 PM:

    Dear Marty,

    Thanks for the comment. Your website looks really terrific.

    A Continuous Lean

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