The Need for Tweed.

I feel the need, the need for Tweed.

Films of people in the Outer Hebrides making Harris Tweed never get old. I’ve actually considered going to Harris or to the Isle of Lewis to see tweed being made first hand, but have not ever actually made the journey because it’s just so far damn away. Luckily filmmaker Sal Taylor made the trip and documented the place and the people who make this great fabric.

The Harris Tweed Authority (protector of the Orb!) has interestingly taken to the digital channels to actively market and promote Harris Tweed. They’ve launched the Need for Tweed Tumblr and an amusing Instagram account which only posts different patterns of the famed Scottish fabric. The kids must really like this stuff. And since Tweed has been so fully socially networked, all it really needs at this point is its own official day. Opps too late, Tweed Day was last week. You can’t make this stuff up.



tweed1 Tweed2



Comments on “The Need for Tweed.

    Brian on April 11, 2013 12:24 AM:

    Harris nearly lost me (and probably everyone else) a couple years back when one of its biggest mills cut production to just four fabric patterns and only made off-the-rack jackets. Glad to see that’s in the past.

    ian ferguson on April 11, 2013 9:03 AM:

    I have a superb jacket that has been worn wonce and is the wrong size now but still love to look at it.

    Audrey on April 11, 2013 11:53 AM:

    I love Tweed.

    mat on April 11, 2013 12:35 PM:

    It’s even too far for me and I live in England, I imagine it’s a bit tricky to get to. Worth it though. I’ve got a couple of HT jackets but this one is my favourite –

    I must admit it fits better now I’ve put on a bit or weight, that was quite a while ago. Cost me £3

    Murphy on April 11, 2013 11:52 PM:

    Yeah, I can’t get enough of this stuff. It’s a great example of equal parts aesthetic and function. Also, Mat if you want to offload that jacket let me know.

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