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Bonus Edition: Vintage Rolexes now easier to find than new ones | [R29 Pipeline]

Comments on “SIGNALS

    Sam Jacobs on July 29, 2008 11:57 AM:

    Have you ever seen the calluses on Dom’s hands? They’re thicker than the soles of my Timberlands. I sure as hell wouldn’t fuck with him either.

    hudson on July 29, 2008 12:22 PM:

    went into the GAP this weekend, and was actually (finally) impressed with the pierre hardy. well… as impressed as one can be in the GAP. at least they recognized the need to reinvent… again.

    TINTIN on July 29, 2008 6:48 PM:

    You’re kidding me about the pic of O’Brien?

    jk on July 29, 2008 9:19 PM:

    Congrats re: the review- that’s so great!

    Michael Williams on July 29, 2008 11:41 PM:


    O’Brien is a freedom fighter and a true gentlemen. He is paving the way for plaid mixing men the world over.


    Death Bredon on July 30, 2008 1:30 PM:

    In a rare dash to a mall, I ventured into the Gap. It has made quite a comeback. Off the top of my head, I would characterize the general ethos as relaxed, causal, All-American — what post-war, non-Prepp, middle-Americans wore, slightly updated. And the price is right. I could see some Gap items in weekend wardrobe.

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