Flickr Find | Business Cards

Flickr Find is a weekly column of interesting things found on the amazing and inspiring photo sharing website Flickr.

img_0032.jpgOne of the greatest feelings in the world is getting your first set of business cards. I remember the quiet sense of accomplishment when I got my first printing. I have since become a bit of business card snob. I remember walking in the rain a few years ago to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to oversee the production of my letterpress cards from Woodside Press. The business card Flickr pool has some really creative and cool examples.








Via Creative Bits.

Comments on “Flickr Find | Business Cards

    David U. on March 12, 2008 4:22 PM:

    Alex Gohs card is awesome. My first business cards were very basic since I wanted to mass produce. Since then I’ve upgraded to more professional and inventive cards.

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